March 27, 2023

Kennedy, Banking Republicans seek answers from Federal Reserve about SVB mismanagement

“The American people deserve transparency and accountability from their government officials, and they are entitled to understand precisely what Federal Reserve officials knew about the apparent risks associated with SVB, when they knew it, and why they failed to act to prevent the bank failure from occurring.”
March 27, 2023

LCTCS Celebrates Community College Week

"Our colleges continually create new opportunities for students. Community College Week presents the perfect opportunity for students to learn about these new offerings and discover ways to turn their goals into a reality," said LCTCS Director of Communications and Outreach AcQueena Grant.
March 28, 2023

$5.1 million awarded to Terrebonne General in disaster aid from FEMA

“The $5,157,913.00 disaster grant from FEMA will certainly assist Terrebonne General Health System with significant repairs to damage sustained during Hurricane Ida,” said Phyllis Peoples, President, and CEO, of Terrebonne General Health System.