August 23, 2023

Nicholls PETSM Receives $12K from Morgan City Open Fishing Rodeo

“This donation helps facilitate student development and engagement with industry partners. The effort that goes into this event is a lot of work, starting all the way back in January,” said Nicholls Executive Director of Petroleum Engineering Technology and Safety Management Michael Gautreaux. “We are grateful to Morgan City Open Fishing Rodeo for 11 years of dedication and investment into enhancing our students’ experiences in the classroom and laboratories.”
August 23, 2023

Louisiana Policyholders have until August 29 to file suit against insurers for damage related to Hurricane Ida

"I urge any policyholder who still has unresolved issues with their Ida-related hurricane claim to contact an attorney and file suit before the deadline," Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon said. "Policyholders need to take action to make sure they get the full amount they are owed under their coverage."