August 31, 2017
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- Categories
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- Authors
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- All
- Announcements
- Articles
- Arts
- Bayouside with Benny Cenac
- Blogs
- Business
- Cajun sportsman
- Calendar
- Casey
- Casey's Corner
- College and Pro
- Columnist two
- Columnists
- Community cares
- Concerts
- Crime
- Dance
- Dave norman
- Dining
- Editors picks
- Entertainment
- Eric
- Events
- Family First
- Family fun
- Features
- Film
- Fishing
- Food
- Guest columnists
- Gumbo
- Gumbo guru
- Health and wellness
- Home and garden
- Hunting
- Hurricane guide
- Hurricane Info
- Lafourche
- Lagniappe
- Lawn and garden
- Legal Notices
- Letters to editor
- Lifestyles
- Local
- Local arts
- Local Sports
- Mardi gras 2018
- Mardi Gras 2020
- Mardi Gras 2022
- Mardi Gras 2023
- Mardi Gras 2024
- Mardi Gras 2025
- Mobile
- Movie reviews
- Music
- News
- Nicholls
- Nightclubs
- Obituaries
- Obituary
- Opinion
- Our View
- Outdoors
- Player of the Week
- Point of Vue
- Prep
- Rachel lecompte
- Raymond saadi
- Restaurant reviews
- Sports
- Spotlight
- St mary
- Terrebonne
- Test
- Theatre
- Touch5
- Uncategorized
- Wellness
- Who Dat Doin’ Good?
- All
- 3.21
- 501c3
- 5K
- Acoustic
- acquittal
- addiction
- Adoption
- African American Museum
- AG Jeff Landry
- alcohol
- Alerts
- All-Star
- American Legion
- Ancestry
- animal cruelty Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office
- Aniversary
- Anniversary
- anxiety
- April
- Arlen "Benny" Cenac Jr
- Army
- Arts
- Ascension Parish
- Ascension Parish Sheriff's Office
- attorney general
- awards
- bank
- Banking
- barrel race
- bars
- baseball
- basketball
- Baton Rouge
- Bayou Business Monthly
- Bayou Community Foundation
- Bayou Country Children's Museum
- Bayou Country Super Fest
- Bayou Industrial Group
- Bayou Recovery Fund
- bayou region covid
- Beethoven
- beignets
- Beta
- BioInfoExperts LLC
- board of directors
- boating
- Bobby Hebert Sr.
- boiled crawfish
- Bollinger Shipyards
- Bonnet Carre Spillway
- Book reviews
- booking log
- boudin
- Bourgeois Meat Market
- Business
- Cajun Day
- Cajun heritage
- cajun music
- canceled
- cancer
- Cannata's
- car accident
- Carnival
- cases
- Cast Iron Cookoff
- Catholic
- censored
- Census
- census 2020
- Chabert
- Chevron
- chicken sandwich
- City Court
- Classical
- Cleco
- Closures
- Coach
- Coach O
- Coast guard
- coastal
- Coco the Alligator
- Congress
- Continuing Education
- cookoff
- Coronavirus
- coronavu
- Count Da Bayou
- Country
- Country music
- coupon
- coupon code
- Covenant Christian Academy
- covid death louisiana
- covid school
- covid terrebonne parish
- COVID Vaccine
- COVID-19
- covid-19 bayou region
- covid-19 Thibodaux
- crawfish
- crawfish prices
- Crime
- crime statistics
- Cristobal
- Curfew Lafourche
- Cut Off
- Cut Off Youth Center
- Cyber
- Cypress trees
- Danos
- Delta
- Department of Homeland Security
- depression
- dessert
- Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux
- DIspatchers
- District Attorney
- Dolly Parton
- Doorbell Camera Alert
- DoorDash
- Down syndrome
- Downtown Houma
- drink
- drive sober or get pulled over
- Drug charges
- Drugs
- Drunk Driving
- Dulac
- dwi
- dwi lafourche
- E.D. White
- Eat Fit
- Economic Impact Payment
- Economy
- Education
- Election
- Election 2020
- Ellender Memorial High School
- Energy saving
- erosion
- evacuations Terrebonne
- event cancelled
- Faith
- Family First
- Family First Magazine
- Family Gras
- fentanyl
- festival
- Finding Our Roots
- Fire Chief
- fire department
- Fletcher
- Fletcher Technical Community College
- Floodgate
- Florida
- flu
- Food
- food delivery
- Football
- Framework
- Francine
- Friends of Bayou Lafourche
- Fugitive
- fundraiser
- Gamma
- Gardening
- Garret Graves
- Gators
- Geaux Vote
- GeauxPass
- Genealogical Society
- Get Moving!
- Girls on the Run
- glow run
- Golden Meadow
- Golden Meadow Upper Elementary
- Gonzalo
- Good Friday
- Governor
- Governor Edwards
- Governor John Bel Edwards
- Grand Isle
- Grant
- Grants
- Gray Death
- Greater Lafourche Port Commission
- Grid
- H.L. Bourgeois High School
- hand washing
- handwashing
- Hanna
- health
- Healthcare
- Healthy Bites
- Heart Health
- Hercules
- herion
- herion fentanyl
- high school
- High school sports
- history
- homeschool
- horse
- hospitalizations in Louisiana
- Houma
- Houma Christian School
- Houma Crime
- Houma Family Dental
- Houma Mardi Gras
- Houma Terrebonne Civic Center
- Houma Travel
- House of Representatives
- Human Trafficking
- Hurricane
- Hurricane 2024
- hurricane ida
- hurricane lafourche
- hurricane louisiana
- hurricane safety
- hydroxychloroquine
- ida
- Ida Recovery
- Imagination Library
- impeachment
- influenza
- Isle de Jean Charles
- JA
- Jambalaya Writer's Conference
- Jarod Martin
- Jazz Fest
- Jeff Landry
- Job Fair
- Juan Pickett
- Junior Auxiliary
- Kid Energy
- King Cake
- Kingfish Tavern
- Krewe of Hercules
- La Leg
- LA Wallet
- LA1
- Lady of the Sea
- Lady of the Sea Medical Clinics
- Lafourche
- Lafourche District Attorney
- Lafourche Evacuation
- Lafourche Ida
- Lafourche Parish
- Lafourche Parish School Board
- Lafourche Parish Sheriff's Office
- Lafourche school closures
- lafourche sheriff
- LaLeg
- Laura
- Law Enforcement
- lawyer
- Leevile Bridge
- Library
- Lisa Gardner
- Literacy
- live crawfish
- live music
- Live Oak Baptist Church
- Livestock
- local schools
- Lockport Police Department
- Lorio Foundation
- Louisiana
- Louisiana Center for Women in Government and Business
- Louisiana Education
- Louisiana governor
- Louisiana Lottery
- Louisiana National Guard
- Louisiana Oil & Gas Association
- Louisiana Sea Grant
- Louisiana Soccer Assocation
- Louisiana State Parks
- Louisiana State Police
- Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries
- Lowes
- Manning Passing Academy
- march
- Marco
- Mardi Gras
- Mardi Gras 2021
- Mardi Gras with children
- Mardi gras with family
- Mardi gras with toddlers
- Margie Scoby
- markets
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- Mary Bird Perkins
- Mary Bird Perkins TGMC Cancer Center
- Masks
- mental health
- merger
- Meth
- Military
- Minorities
- Missing
- Mississippi River
- money
- Montegut
- Morgan City
- Motion
- Music
- Narcotics
- National Championship
- National Hurricane Center
- National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
- National Travel and Tourism Week
- New Orleans
- New Orleans Saints
- NFL Draft
- Nicholls
- Nicholls Alumni Federation
- Nicholls Sports
- Nicholls State University
- no smoking
- Noble Roman's
- nonprofits
- Now Hiring
- Nursing
- Nutrition
- Ochsner Health System
- oil and gas
- Oilfield
- Opinion
- opiod
- orthopedics
- outdoor fun
- Outdoors
- paddle board yoga
- Paddleboard
- Parade
- parks
- Party
- party bus
- Paycheck Protection Program
- Penny D. Pelican
- Piano
- pizza
- Point of Vue Magazine
- police
- politics
- Popeyes
- Port Fourchon
- power outage
- Presidential Preference Primary
- Primary
- Printmaking
- Prison
- Private school
- public service
- quilting
- Race
- Raising Cane's
- RC Creppel
- Re-entry
- Rec 11
- Rec 2/3
- Recreation
- Red Snapper
- Regional Military Museum
- replica pistol
- restaurants
- return to school
- Right on Crime
- Road closed
- Road closure
- rodeo
- Rotary
- Rotary Club of Houma
- rougarou
- Rumor control
- Safety
- Saints
- saints tickets
- Sally
- sandbags Lafourche
- Scalise
- Schools
- Schriever
- Science
- Security
- Senate
- severe weather
- Shell
- Shell Pipeline
- Sheriff
- Sheriff Craig Webre
- shop local
- Shrimp
- Small Business Assistance
- Small Business Loans
- snoball
- sotrm
- South Lafourche
- South Lafourche Tarpons
- South Louisiana Wetlands Discovery Center
- South Terrebonne
- South Terrebonne High School
- Speckled trout
- Sponsored
- Sponsored by Cenac Marine Services
- Spotted Sea Trout
- St. Mary Parish
- Stations of the Cross
- stats
- STEAM Craft
- Steve Gleason
- Stimulus
- stimulus payment
- Synergy Bank
- Synergy Cents
- Tanner Magee
- TD8
- Teachers
- Teenager of the Year
- Terrebonne
- Terrebonne and Lafourche closures
- Terrebonne Children's Advocacy Center
- Terrebonne Council
- Terrebonne General Medical Center
- Terrebonne High School
- Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District
- Terrebonne Parish
- Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government
- Terrebonne Parish Council
- Terrebonne Parish Ida
- Terrebonne Parish Library
- Terrebonne Parish Library System
- Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office
- Terrebonne Public Library
- Terrebonne Registrar Of Voters
- Texas
- Texas Roadhouse
- Thibodaux
- Thibodaux Police Department
- Thibodaux Regional
- Thibodaux Regional Health System
- Thibodaux Regional Heath System
- thibodaux road closure
- thibodaux schools
- Thibodaux Volunteer Fire Department
- Things to do
- Thomas Jefferson
- Tickets
- Tim Soignet
- Tourism
- toy guns
- track and field
- tradition
- Travel
- Trivia Contest
- Troop C
- Tropical Depression
- Tropical Storm
- tropical storm Ida
- tropical storm Lafourche
- tropical weathe
- Tropical Weather
- tropical weather Lafourche
- tropical weather thibodaux
- Trump
- Tug vessel
- Turkey
- University of Holy Cross
- Upside Down
- Upside Downs
- USCGC Edgar Culbertson
- Utah
- Vaccine
- Vaccine Terrebonne Parish
- Vandebilt Catholic High School
- Vehicle Burglary
- Video
- virus
- voter
- Walmart
- Wanted
- Water Patrol
- Way of the Cross
- Weather
- Weather Alert
- Webinar
- wellness
- West Nile
- Wetlands
- Where to get the vaccine
- Women
- Wordpress
- World Down Syndrome Day
- writing
- yoga
- All
- Abigail Gauthier
- Advertorial
- Attorney General Liz Murrill
- Brogan Burns
- Benjamin Samaha
- Bevi Jimenez
- Bonnie Rushing
- Brandy O’Banion-Baudoin
- Cardiovascular Institute of the South
- Casey Gisclair
- CCA Louisiana
- Colin Campo
- Darian Graivshark
- Drew Miller
- Ducks Unlimited
- Emily B. Rini
- Entergy Louisiana
- Evan Cressoine
- Explore Houma
- Explore Louisiana
- Family First
- Fletcher Technical Community College
- Francesca D'Agostino
- Heidi Guidry
- Houma Area Convention & Visitors Bureau
- Houma Police Department - Press Release
- Hugh Plaisance
- Isabelle Pinto
- Jaime Dishman
- Jennifer Hunter
- Joel Ohmer
- John DeSantis
- John Doucet
- John LeBouef
- Jonah Giroir
- Jean-Paul Arguello
- Karl Gommel
- Katie Portier
- Keely Diebold
- Lafourche Parish District Attorney Office
- Lafourche Parish Government
- Lafourche Parish Sheriff's Office - Press Release
- Lauren Blankenship
- The Houma Times
- Lexie Pellegrin
- Louisiana Oil & Gas Association (LOGA)
- Louisiana Department of Health
- LDWF Press Release
- Louisiana Economic Development
- Louisiana Press Association
- Louisiana State Police - Press Release
- Louisiana's Cajun Bayou Lafourche Parish
- LSU Manship School News Service
- LSU Media Center
- LSU Reveille
- Marilyn Macik-Frey
- Mary Ditch
- Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center
- Melissa Duet
- Meyer Financial Group
- Michael Bergeron, CPA/CVA/CGMA
- Misty McElroy
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Nicholls State University
- Opinion
- Ochsner St. Anne Hospital
- Point of Vue
- Brian
- Samantha Magee
- Senator John Kennedy
- Shamarr Moses (Sports Contributor)
- South Louisiana Medical Associates
- Sponsored
- Submitted
- Tara Morvant
- Terrebonne Parish Library
- Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office - Press Release
- Terry Trahan Jr.
- Terrebonne General Health System
- Thad Angeloz
- Thibodaux Police Department - Press Release
- Thibodaux Regional Health System
- Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government
- U.S. Coast Guard Press Release
- Yasmeen Singleton