Influencers 2022: Sye Broussard

Happy TWOsday! Here are some local specials
February 22, 2022
Influencers 2022: Dr. Andrea Lorio
February 22, 2022
Happy TWOsday! Here are some local specials
February 22, 2022
Influencers 2022: Dr. Andrea Lorio
February 22, 2022

Broussard Dove focuses primarily on all aspects of hurricane claims, business law, business transactions, real estate closings, and general litigation. Sye is a former Terrebonne Parish Assistant District Attorney. 

What led you to the role you currently hold in your company? Did you see yourself in this position when you started out in the workforce? 

I started our law firm Broussard Dove in Houma over a decade ago. I knew I wanted to remain in Houma with my wife and law partner Jackie Dove Broussard and raise our family. Opening the law firm seemed like the perfect career move to give us flexibility with a work/life balance and a way to help out the Bayou Region. Although as many small business owners will tell you, the workload really never stops or ends. You don’t get to punch out the clock and head home the way you had hoped.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced over the years and how did you meet it? 

Hurricane Ida presented the biggest challenge throughout the years.  I have handled hurricane claims for over 14 years and have seen it all.  Recently, after Hurricanes Laura and Delta, I opened a satellite office in Lake Charles where we represented a lot of claimants with hurricane claims.  I saw firsthand the damage and the pains that come along with the claims and recovery process; albeit I was able to drive home to my unaffected community after a long day’s work. 

The difference this time was, in addition to our law office, my personal home, my office workers’ homes, family members’ homes, and friends’ homes were all damaged.  In the immediate aftermath, trying to help others while taking care of ourselves proved difficult. I didn’t take a day off working sun up to sun down for several months between helping ourselves, family members, friends, clients, and our community. As expected, the claims were rolling in and staying organized in the chaotic environment was a challenge.  But as we have proved time and time again, the Bayou Region Community is resilient and full of fighters. We pulled through and are off to the races successfully settling claims on behalf of insurance companies and homeowners.

What does your morning routine look like?

Any time away from the office I can get I cherish with my family. Even though getting our three kids together in the morning can be a little disorderly since I need a second or two to get myself going, I always enjoy waking them up. I love seeing them in the mornings. It is the calm before the storm that will no doubt consume my day dealing with hurricane claims. Most are pretty routine getting ready, breakfast, and out the door to drop them off and head to work. When I bring them to school, I introduce them to all varieties of music. They know the lyrics to all sorts of songs from the Beatles to Hank Williams, Sr. to Weezer to Pearl Jam to Bob Marley to Johnny Cash to Whiskey Myers. I could go on and on.

What skill do you feel all successful leaders must possess?

 Being able to quickly identify problems and find solutions. When I am in engaged, I dive straight into the issues at hand and block out the distractions. The distractions tend to lead to a more emotional reaction rather than a logical one. A bravado of my fraternity Kappa Sigma in college was always temper your actions with wisdom. We must logically think through the tasks at hand and not get emotional to ensure a proper outcome. If you get bogged down on distractions, indecisiveness and too much emotion, you will surely fail.  

What has been your greatest accomplishment? 

Convincing my wife to marry me and being blessed with three healthy, beautiful children. It may sound cliché, but it’s the foundation that has given me the ability to live a full life. I am sure there are plenty of fish stories or the day I finally grew bigger than my older brothers that would make the cut too.

Who are your greatest influencers?

My mother takes the cake. A single mother of three boys, she worked multiple jobs and still found time to be a loving mother.  She has instilled in me a passion for music, a hard work ethic, and a desire to help others in need.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention God and my faith. While I do not hold myself out to have the best attendance record on Sunday mass, my faith guides me everyday.  We say our prayers before bedtime and thank God for keeping us happy, healthy, and safe. 

How do you feel knowing that others list you as theirs?

I don’t know about all that but I try to be a voice for as many people and businesses as I can in our community.  Most people are pushed to their breaking point handling just their own hurricane claim.  I am sure a lot of people think I am crazy taking on hundreds of others. But helping those in need and seeing our hard work help them and their families gives me all the motivation I need to keep on trucking along.

How are you going to impact the Bayou Region in 2022? 

I plan to stay the course by continuing to give back to the Bayou Region and settle as many hurricane claims disputes as quickly as possible.  The weight of the stories I hear on a daily basis could emotionally crush you. I plan to help them in any way and as quickly as possible.