The Coronavirus and Oil…Any Impact? Probably So
February 13, 2020
Annie Miller and Sons Celebrates 40 Years of Family Business
February 13, 2020As we begin a new year we are filled with excitement and some nervousness about what is to come. That couldn’t be any more real here in Lafourche as we begin the process to move our parish into a new decade. I have to start this by again saying thank you to the voters of Lafourche for entrusting me with the honor and privilege of being our Parish President. It’s truly and humbling experience and something that I will never take for granted.
With that said I truly believe that that brightest days of Lafourche are ahead and now that the rhetoric the campaign is over it’s now time to govern. I have no doubt that the nine councilman along with myself have the best interest of our Parish at its citizens at heart. While we might not always agree on an issue or the method used we will work every day to make our home a better place.
We promised during the campaign that we would work to make Lafourche better by working to reform out tax structure, diversifying our economy, working to improve drainage, restore our coast and work to give our children and grand children quality recreational opportunities. I’d like to say in our first month in office we accomplished all that and we’ve moved on to other things but we all know that’s not how the process works, but we have started that process. We’ve worked with this council and recreated the Departments of Community Services and Economic Development. This allows up to provide better recreation opportunities for our younger residents as well as help us to serve the under privileged in our community. Restarting our Economic Development office with an executive search for a new director will give us a leg up in attracting new businesses to our parish and help us to diversify and strengthen our economy. We’ve started our tax reform discussions with our assessor and a well-known economist so that we can begin to take the burden of government off the backs of our residents and our businesses. We’ve begun to collaborate with our new delegation to see what bills they are going to pre file and what ways we can help in Baton Rouge. We’ve begun to work with Nicholls Sate University on the construction of a business incubator and state of the art coastal center. While these things separately may sound independent of one another, they are all part of making Lafourche a place where people want to live, work and play.
As I stated at the beginning, the brightest days of Lafourche are ahead of us. I look forward to working with the Parish Council, our wonderful employees and the community to help move Lafourche Parish forward, together. •