French Lessons at the Distillery

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French Lessons at the Distillery

January 20, 2024 @ 3:00 PM 4:00 PM

At the end of this lesson plan, you will be able to recite the alphabet along with words and phrases for each letter. The book we will be using is ABC Cajun Alphabet, Written and Illustrated by James Rice. ISBN 9789882898223. (YOU DO NOT NEED TO BUY THE BOOK!) 

Jan 20: Introductions, class format, review of the last six weeks

Feb 03: We will follow “Gaston, the Green-Nosed Alligator as he leans the alphabet using Cajun word and phrases. Today we will cover letters A-E with phrases such as aigrette, bouré (and how to play the game), cochon, daim, and écoute (and a few Mardi Gras words too!!!) 

Feb 17: We continue follow Gaston as he learns the letters F-K. Some of the words we will cover are: faux pas, garçon, huracan, île d’chêne, joie de vivre, and kerchief.

Mar 09: The next set of letters we will cover are L-R. My favorites words in this section of the alphabet are: lagniappe, mousse (not what you think), nanane, ouaouaron, pique-bois, quai and rat de bois, (and a few St. Patrick’s words too)

Mar 23: For the last class we will finish the alphabet. Today’s words will include: sucreerie, la tante, utensile, voisin, waguine, y xylophone, yeux, and zèbre. We will also wrap up this six week and discuss what will be covered next!