Guest columnists

September 6, 2016

Pride creates barriers between people

George Washington Carver, who developed hundreds of useful products from the peanut, explained his calling. “When I was young, I said to God, ‘God, tell me […]
September 13, 2016

A dog-gone Grand Isle mystery

Karen LaCorte has been living on Grand Isle for some time now. Actually she splits her time between there and her home in New Jersey, but […]
September 20, 2016

Louisiana poised for big wins in water resources

After last month’s devastating flooding throughout South Louisiana, it is clear that America’s water infrastructure is in desperate need of an overhaul and upgrade. We cannot […]
September 28, 2016

At a turbulent time, some good news at home

The Bayou Region is alive with rhythms apparent to those who look and listen carefully, from the early autumn symphonies of cicadas now present, to the […]