Guest columnists

June 13, 2018

A Kennedy looms

The Lenox Hotard American Legion Post meeting hall swelled up with people like I have never seen before at that venue. At one point it looked […]
July 4, 2018

A simple thank you

I am writing these words on a chilly morning, near Vancouver, B.C. It’s been a quick trip up here, a place I have never been before, […]
July 11, 2018

Stricken by a storm

It is an easy thing to be complacent about the dangers weather can bring short of a named storm in our corner of the world. We […]
July 18, 2018

From a vacation leap words of wisdom

Kirby Verret has earned the respect of many during decades of public service in Terrebonne Parish. As a spiritual leader and community activist, as well as […]