
July 10, 2007

Aug. 3-4 declared state Sales Tax Holiday

Attention Louisiana shoppers: Don’t worry about paying state sales taxes between 12:01 a.m. Aug. 3 and midnight Aug. 4. Lawmakers have designated the two-day period the […]
July 10, 2007

þStocks of Local Interest

Company Symbol Exchange 3-Jul 27-Jun CHANGE AARONS RENTS RNT NYSE 29.52 29.31 0.21 ANADARKO PETE APC NYSE 52.3 52.16 0.14 AT&T T NYSE 41.5 39.98 1.52 […]
July 10, 2007

LANO offers disaster prep sessions

The Louisiana Association of Nonprofit Organizations is inviting all businesses and nonprofit organizations to attend continuity of operations planning training sessions for Terrebonne, Lafourche, Assumption, St. […]