Louisiana Leads the Nation in FAFSA Completion
July 20, 2022
Start Corp. Opens Section 811 Waitlist on August 10
July 20, 2022As the anniversary of Hurricane Ida gets closer, our region is still recovering and remembers the storm like it was yesterday. The Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Hurricane Preparedness event in the wake of hurricane season’s peaking months.
The event will feature state and local leaders that will provide updates on prepardness. Speakers include:
- Patrick W. Bell: Assistant Commissioner for the Louisiana Department of Insurance
- Rubby W. Douglas, LCSW-BACS: Section Chief Preparedness for the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Prepardness (GOHSEP)
- Martha Moore: FEMA Hazard Mitigation
- Earl Eues: Director for Terrebonne Parish Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Prepardness
- Jimmy Nguyen: Assistant Director for the Louisiana Small Business Development Center
The seminar will take place on Thursday, August 11 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Terrebonne Parish Library. Remeber, it’s not a matter of “if,” it’s a matter of “when.”