T’bonne’s westside expansion progresses for traffic
October 11, 2011Robert Paul Bourg
October 13, 2011“How are things going in the state Senate District 21 race?”
It’s the most-asked question our news team faces these days.
By now, most people are aware the owner of this newspaper, Darrin Guidry, is in a tough race against St. Mary landowner/farmer Bret Allain. The two are seeking the Louisiana Senate seat vacated by Rep. Butch Gautreaux, who is term-limited out of office.
The “how’s it going” question brings up a good point; one that deserves reiterating.
With the election just over a week away, the fall air is rife with talk of politics. After all, Louisianans love armchair quarterbacking political races as much as second-guessing LSU coach Les Miles’ calls on 4th-and-1 with seconds left on the game clock.
We at the Tri-Parish Times are standing by our long-standing policy: We do not endorse.
The policy predates me as publisher, but it’s one I’ve always backed at every paper at which I’ve ever served.
Today’s voters are smart. And note, I’m talking about the folks who, throughout this week, have made the trek to the Registrar of Voters Office or who intend to carve out time from their busy schedule Saturday, Oct. 22, to cast their vote in this election. You are concerned citizens, people who care who leads the Tri-parishes and Louisiana into the next phase.
Active voters know the issues. They’ve studied the candidates, listened to and even attended debates and forums. These folks have read the material, even with a cursory glance, to determine where each candidate stands on the issues important to their lives.
Oct. 22 is time to act. And out of respect to the voting contention in the Tri-parishes, we respect your final decision is just that … yours.
Inside this issue, you’ll find a collection of bios and interviews with the men and women interested in serving you. You’ll also find ballots from Lafourche, St. Mary and Terrebonne parishes. We hope it helps as you head to your voting place.
Bottom line: our state and our communities are facing serious issues. Although we’ve been spared a hurricane this year, levee protection continues to be a concern. Last year’s Deepwater Horizon spill and subsequent moratorium on drilling continue to have a lasting impact on our seafood and oil and gas industries. Our headlines have included horrendous crimes in recent months, and our state education department awarded nearly half the public schools in Louisiana, 44 percent, a failing grade.
These are serious times in need of serious solutions. It’s time for you to do your part and vote Oct. 22.