Narconon graduate touts program’s value

Sheila Alldredge
January 22, 2008
Lillie Reed
January 24, 2008
Sheila Alldredge
January 22, 2008
Lillie Reed
January 24, 2008

Dear Editor:

I have a very important message that I want to share with others. My name is Natalie Fraser. I was an all-American girl with dreams and hope for the future. I made good grades and my family was really proud of me.

I was a collegiate cheerleader and I had a life that anyone would want. During a competition, I fell and hurt my shoulder. I started taking a prescription drug with codeine. My family saw the successful girl they loved so much start to throw her life away.

After a year I realized that I was a full-blown addict. I started stealing from my friends and family to supply my habit. I then closed the door on everyone that I loved and only concentrated on my one new friend, Loritab. This addiction lasted for many years and it took losing everything before I confronted my addiction.

Fortunately, I was one of the lucky ones who recovered from addiction. This was only possible after I found the Narconon Program. I was able to get my life back and I was no longer one of the millions of Americans who are suffering from an addiction.

If your family is watching a loved one struggle with addiction I am proof that there is hope and your dreams can be a reality, not a distant memory. Please pass this message along and call Narconon today.

Narconon offers addiction counseling and local referrals to over 11,000 facilities nationwide. Call 800-468-6933 or visit us at to find out how you can help save a life.

Natalie Fraser

2005 Narconon Arrowhead Graduate