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May 6, 2022South Louisiana Economic Council Extends Recruitment Agreement
May 6, 2022Houma Sunrise and Houma-Terrebonne Rotary Clubs’ Bud & Burgers Championship is returning Saturday, June 11 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Southdown’s Buquet Pavilion & Grounds!
The event showcases 26 local teams consisting of four categories; restaurants, corporations, backyard grillers, and Rotary Club amateurs. They compete to win the title of “King of the Burger” and other prizes. Teams of six are accepted and each team must have two servers. The registration fees include event entrance, aprons, wristbands, and four drink tickets per person. For the day of the event, grillers set up begins at 1:00 p.m., and gates to the public open at 5:00 p.m. There will be a competitor meeting Thursday, May 26, the location is still to be determined.
Celebrity judges will award the following categories:
- “King of Burgers” Grand Winner
- Best Restaurant Burger Champion
- Best Backyard Griller Burger Champion
- Best Rotary Burger in the District Champion
- People’s Choice Burger Champion
To register a team, forms can be found here, and an information flyer can be found here. Contact the Competitors Even Chairmen, Loney Grabert (grabert11@bellsouth.net), or Sherman Naquin (sherman.naquin@b1bank.com) for more information.