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October 8, 2021
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October 8, 2021A Halloween Costume Drive presented by the Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government, will be collecting donations that include gently used or new costumes, packaged candy, and Halloween décor. This donation initiative will help ease the burden of parental minds that have experienced the wrath of Hurricane Ida and clothe children with an Autumn’s Eve glow.
Terrebonne Parish President Gordon Dove, with the assistance of Dean Schouest, Director of the Houma Civic Center, collaborated and started a drive to help fill children’s “pumpkin buckets” with Harvest enjoyment. Therefore, the collection of holiday goods will lessen the worries of parents and let them focus on rebuilding normalcy for their families.
“We’re trying to do what we can for the bayous and the parish to let them know we’re here for them. We hope it gives a little normalcy and smiles on some of their faces, because we know that there’s still a lot of families down there without homes. They’re still working in different directions and getting their houses together,” Schouest stated
“Every year, normally we do a trunk-or-treat for the community. Since so many families down the bayous were affected, rather than doing a normal style trunk-or-treat, we felt like we should try and do a drive that collected these goods. Then, we could send them down the bayous so they could be dispersed to the needy. They could have their own trunk-or-treat at each pod location located at each bayou area,” Schouest added.
Community residents can help bring candy sweet smiles to children’s faces by donating Halloween items. The donation hub is located at the Houma Terrebonne Civic Center at 346 Civic Center Boulevard, Houma, LA 70360. The drop-off time is between 8AM and 5PM everyday until October 20th.
On October 23rd, the generous holiday items that were donated will be transferred to various pod sites across the bayou region. Each hub will delegate on how items will be donated to families.
“We’re basically going to bring a trunk-or-treat to them rather than them come to us…we’re going to leave it up to each pod on how they want to handle it. If they want to set up at their pod and distribute as a trunk-or-treat style event, they can. If they want to just set it up and let people pick up items and bring it back home, they’re welcome to do it either way,” Schouest said.
Houma or near-by residents who are also in need of Halloween supplies for their children, may also partake in the generosity of the community.
“We’re going to keep it at the Civic Center for Houma itself. Then, for anyone living in the Houma vicinity or anyone that can get here for that matter, can come pick up the goods here as well,” Schouest explained.
Schouest and the Terrebonne Parish Government hopes this donation initiative lights “family jack-o-lanterns” with a sense of comfort that twinkle with optimism.
“We just hope with the kids and all that they’re dealing with, this helps the parents bring back a little normalcy into their lives,” Schouest ended.
For more information, please email at: info@houmaciviccenter.com