Healthy Bites With TGMC | Let’s Get Snacking!
January 28, 2021
Get Moving With Thibodaux Regional Health System | Keeping a Healthy Lifestyle
January 28, 2021Valentine’s Day is February 14, and many people across the country will celebrate by handing out Valentine’s Day cards. I like to make cards for my family and friends to let them know how much I care about them.
Passing out cards for Valentine’s Day dates back more than 600 years to 1415 when Charles Duke of Orleans wrote a poem to his wife. Today, 145 million Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged every year in the U.S. alone, with teachers receiving most of those cards.
Candy and flowers are also popular gifts to give on Valentine’s Day. Every year, more than 36 million heart shaped boxes of chocolate are sold in the U.S. and $3.3 billion is spent on flowers!
Matching Game
Below are gifts that Penny’s friends wish to buy for their Valentines. Each friend has the exact amount of money required to buy his or her gift. Count how much money each friend has and draw a line from his or her name to the gift he or she is buying.
Color by Number
Count the money on the left to determine which color you should color the pieces of the picture.