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April 7, 2022
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April 7, 2022LOUISIANA LAW follows the men and women of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries as they patrol one of the most geographically diverse states in the U.S. Their jurisdiction ranges from the deep forests at the Arkansas border to the lowland marshes and bayous near the coast and extends 200 miles into the Gulf of Mexico.
Louisiana’s wildlife agents are tasked with protecting the natural resources of the state, but also have the authority to enforce all state and federal criminal laws. Often patrolling alone and miles from backup, agents encounter and manage dangerous situations involving both wildlife and people – all in the name of conservation. Audiences ride along on the wildlife agents’ mission when LOUISIANA LAW premieres exclusively on Discovery Channel Saturday, April 9 at 7 p.m..
Nicknamed “Sportsman’s Paradise” for its rich land and wildlife resources, Louisiana is home to more than one million alligators, countless crawfish, shrimp, oysters, bobcats, black bear, deer, 160 species of birds, and a wealth of fresh and saltwater fish. Fishing and hunting is a way of life for many residents; to preserve the land and protect both citizens and wildlife, agents are on call 24/7 as they patrol Louisiana’s beautiful bayous, vast river deltas, and dense pine forests.
“I am so happy that, through this incredibly well done show, the public can witness the hard work, common sense and courage displayed by our agents,” said LDWF Secretary Jack Montoucet.
“We are extremely excited and proud about the second season of Louisiana Law. The show does a great job of showcasing the diverse job that agents do on a day to day basis,” said Col. Chad Hebert, head of the LDWF Enforcement Division. “We hope the show is both educational and entertaining at the same time for the public and shows what it takes to enforce the laws of conserving outdoor resources.”
LOUISIANA LAW premieres with a man’s life on the line as Sgt. Scott Dupre and Lt. Joey Thompson race to locate an elderly hunter who’s gone missing in a vast river wilderness area. Cpl. Blaine Wagner and Lt. Adam Young investigate a haul of illegal redfish dumped on a riverbank and nearby anglers who refuse to take responsibility, while Cpl. Michael Cook tracks down a suspected hunter/trespasser and finds bloody evidence tying the hunter to an illegal deer. Later, Sgt. Kurt Hatten and Sgt. Leroy Tarver crack down on a pair of hunters using illegal ammunition to shoot ducks in a protected area, and Sr. Agent Suni Nelson handles a tense encounter on the roadside.
LOUISIANA LAW is produced for Discovery Channel by Warm Springs Productions in association with Watson Pond Productions, where Christopher Voos, Marc Pierce, Chris Richardson, and Brad Johnson serve as executive producers. For Discovery, Lisa Lucas is executive producer with Katie Meloy as production coordinator.