Ochsner Health Hosting Drive-Thru Flu Shot Fairs on Saturday
October 2, 2020
After a long 22 years, a family can ‘have some closure’
October 2, 2020Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries enforcement agents cited a man and woman for alleged Wildlife Management Area (WMA) and recreational fishing violations on Oct. 1 in Terrebonne Parish.
Agents cited Avenir Dupre, 39, and Katelyn Pinell, 29, both of Houma, for night time activities on a WMA, possessing over the limit of shrimp on a WMA, using a WMA without a license, and possessing over the recreational limit of shrimp. Dupre was also cited for angling without basic and saltwater fishing licenses.
Agents were patrolling Island Road on the Pointe Aux Chenes WMA at night when they noticed a vehicle parked on the side of the road with a male subject cast netting with a head light nearby. The agents made contact with the subject cast netting and a female subject inside of the vehicle to advise them they could not be engaged in any activity on the WMA at night.
The agents found Dupre and Pinell in possession of 261 pounds of white shrimp, which put them 236 pounds over the WMA limit and 161 pounds over the recreational limit. All night time activities are prohibited on the Pointe Aux Chenes WMA except for traversing purposes only in certain areas.
Possessing over the recreational limit of shrimp brings a $250 to $500 fine and up to 90 days in jail. Night time activities on a WMA, using a WMA without a license, and possessing over the WMA limit of shrimp carries a $100 to $350 fine and up to 60 days in jail. Fishing without basic and saltwater fishing licenses brings up to a $50 fine and 15 days in jail for each offense.
Agents seized the shrimp. Agents involved in the case are Senior Agent Richard Bean and Corporal Norman Deroche.