LDWF Announces Delay in Opening of Shrimp Season in Portions of Zones 1 and 3

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Today, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) announced a delay in the opening of shrimp season in portions of shrimp management zones 1 and 3 from Monday, August 24, 2020, to Friday, September 11, 2020.


The opening is as follows:


The portion of Shrimp Management Zone 1, known as the Biloxi Marsh, and the portion of Shrimp Management Zone 3, known as the Mermentau River, will be delayed.  These portions of state inside waters, as described below, will open at 6:00 a.m. September 11, 2020:

  • Biloxi Marsh – From a point at the intersection of the eastern shore of the MRGO and the Shell Beach Cut at 29 degrees 51 minutes 29.40seconds north latitude, 89 degrees 40 minutes 37.99 seconds west longitude; thence northerly to a point where Shell Beach Cut and the south shore of Lake Borgne intersect (29 degrees 52 minutes 00.35 seconds north latitude, 89 degrees 40 minutes 25.33 seconds west longitude); thence easterly and northerly following the southern shore of Lake Borgne and the western shore of the Biloxi Marsh to Pointe Aux Marchettes (29 degrees 59 minutes 26.87 seconds north latitude, 89 degrees 34 minutes 44.91 seconds west longitude); thence northeasterly to Malheureax Point (30 degrees 04 minutes 40.57 seconds north latitude, 89 degrees 28 minutes 46.59 seconds west longitude); thence southeasterly to a point on the western shore of Three-Mile Pass (30 degrees 03 minutes 00.00 seconds north latitude, 89 degrees 22 minutes 23.00 seconds west longitude); thence northeasterly to a point on Isle Au Pitre (30 degrees 09 minutes 20.50 seconds north latitude, 89 degrees 11 minutes 15.50 seconds west longitude), which is a point on the double–rig line as described in R.S. 56:495.1(A)2; thence southerly following the double rig line to where it intersects with the MRGO (29 degrees 40 minutes 40.11 seconds north latitude, 89 degrees 23 minutes 07.71 seconds west longitude); thence northwesterly along the eastern shore of the MRGO to the point of origin.


  • Mermentau River – From a point on the shrimp inside/outside line and the western shore of the Mermentau River at 29 degrees 43 minutes 46.14 seconds north latitude, 93 degrees 00 minutes 40.50 seconds west longitude; thence northerly following the western shore of the Mermentau River to its intersection with Catfish Locks 29 degrees 52 minutes 47.31 seconds north latitude, 92 degrees 50 minutes 57.25 seconds west longitude; thence southeasterly following Catfish Locks to its intersection with the eastern shore of the Mermentau River (29 degrees 51 minutes 44.20 seconds north latitude, 92 degrees 50 minutes 52.98 seconds west longitude); thence southerly following the eastern shore of the Mermentau River to the point where it intersects the shrimp inside/outside line (29 degrees 43 minutes 46.33 seconds north latitude, 93 degrees 00 minutes 31.71 seconds west longitude); thence westerly along the shrimp inside/outside line to the point of origin.


The secretary has been notified of recent biological data that could negatively impact the Louisiana commercial shrimp industry.  The large abundance of juvenile white shrimp that have migrated into portions of state inside waters have rapidly increased.  The opening of these state inside waters could be detrimental to the commercial industry as the possession count for white shrimp is currently 100 shrimp per pound and the opening of these waters could result in the increased mortality of sub-legal white shrimp. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is responsible for managing, conserving, and promoting the wise utilization of Louisiana’s renewable fisheries resources. The secretary has determined that the best way to ensure utilization of the resource is to keep these waters closed as it is necessary to protect developing white shrimp. The Secretary has determined that a delay in the opening of these remaining areas may improve that utilization rate.


A declaration of emergency adopted by the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission on August 6, 2020, authorized the Secretary of LDWF to delay or advance the opening dates of shrimp season if biological and/or technical data indicate the need to do so.  Notice of any opening, delaying or closing of a season by the Secretary will be made by public notice at least 72 hours prior to such action.


Click here, or see above for a map detailing this opening.


For more information, contact Peyton Cagle (337) 491-2575 or pcagle@wlf.la.gov.