Jason W. Bergeron – Bayou Region Influencers 2023
February 2, 2023
Hunt Downer – Bayou Region Influencers 2023
February 2, 2023Angelique Barker
Board Chair | Terrebonne General Health System
• Certified Public Accountant since 1985
• Member of AICPA
• Member of Louisiana Society of CPAs – South Central Chapter
• Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux Finance Committee
• Vandebilt Catholic High School Advisory Board
• Vandebilt Catholic High School Alumni Board
• Member of the Ladies Carnival Club (Hyacinthians)
• Charter Member of Legatus – Ambassadors for Christ in the Marketplace
What led you to the role you currently hold on the Board?
I was nominated by the South Central Chapter of the Louisiana CPA Society and approved by the Terrebonne Parish Council in July 2013. I was elected as Board Chair in April of 2022.
Did you see yourself in this position when you started out on the Board?
I have served as Chair of the Finance Committee and Board Vice Chair, so Board Chair was a natural progression.
What is the biggest challenge you have faced over the years and how did you meet it?
The Board and Administration are very progressive and always striving and strategizing to improve the facilities and healthcare for our community, so there are a lot of moving parts to keep up with.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I had great role models with both of my parents, who worked hard and were professionals. My dad is an Architect, and my mom was a classroom teacher until she got her master’s and then became a principal for over 20 years. So I guess I always knew I was pretty good at math, and accounting seemed to be the profession for me.
What was your first job, and what lesson did you learn from this job?
When I graduated from Nicholls in 1983, I started working in the accounting department at the City of Houma–before it became Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government. I had some great role models who taught me about governmental accounting and dealing with the public. After I passed the CPA exam in 1985, I left the City and went to work in public accounting at Stagni & Company, who needed someone with governmental experience–and that’s what I am still doing today!
What’s the one thing you can’t leave your house without each morning?
My cell phone & iPad.
What piece of advice do you share with your team regularly?
Every experience is a learning experience – even if it is a bad experience – learn something from it!
What was your most fulfilling career moment?
I feel like I was always blessed to work with great people, and thanks to the ever-evolving technological advances, this career has been flexible for a woman raising a family that didn’t want to miss a thing my kids did! I had the privilege to work around my social life.
What is the best part of working here in the Bayou Region?
The people, for sure! We are so warm and friendly, and supportive. That is how I feel about our current Terrebonne General Board – all of us are honored to support the Administration and do whatever we can for our Community.
Who are your greatest influencers?
Besides my parents, my husband (Mike Barker) is one of my greatest influencers – he leads by example, cares about his employees and Community, and donates a lot of time to giving back. Of course, my three wonderful children and their families keep me striving always to be my best.
How are you going to impact the Bayou Region in 2023?
I hope to continue contributing and volunteering to make the Bayou Region thrive – my term on the Board will end in a couple of years, but I plan to stay involved in other projects and organizations to better the Region I love so much!