Party Gras for TARC and Hercules
February 26, 2019
Mardi Gras Parade Guide!
February 26, 2019The Krewe of Terreanians raised just over $30,000 for Haiti Mission Inc. (HMI) through donations at their fundraiser dinner held on Feb. 20.
The home-building cause in Haiti is close to Queen Terre LXIX Darian Cheramie, who went visit the country on a mission trip last June.
“On my mission trip I learned that love has no language. Although the Haitians and I couldn’t really communicate well, we understood compassion and love for one another. My trip challenged me to open my eyes about the world every day,” Cheramie said. “Seeing people who have nothing and yet walk miles down a mountain just to get to church to thank God has challenged me to be more appreciative and have more faith in God.”
Tickets to the event—which welcomed over 100 people—were $150 a couple and included a steak dinner with a marinated ribeye, salad, bread, russet potatoes, green beans and various desserts. Guests at the Ellendale Country Club in Houma that night also enjoyed music from local artists Lacey Angeron and Beau Autin.
Charter fishing and deer hunting trips, a power pole, large griddle and crawfish boil for 25 people were some of the items/occasions up for bidding in the silent and live auctions.
“The support of the community meant so much to me. To have people feel so moved and passionate about the same thing as me and want to make a change in these people’s lives made me feel amazing,” Cheramie said. “I am so grateful to all those who came to support me and my cause. I couldn’t have done this without their support.”
Haiti Mission builds homes for $7,500. If another organization or donor can contribute $3,750, the Thibodaux-based HMI will match those funds to build the house.
“I think about the Haitians every day. On my trip, one of the Haitians gave me their picture, and I keep it on my dashboard and look at it every day. I can’t wait to go back to Haiti and see all of my friends,” said Cheramie, who plans on making many more mission tips to Haiti.
Donations to support HMI’s cause can be made through their website, haitimissioninc.com.
“During my trip, I found a special quote, and it has stuck with me since,” said Cheramie. “John Bunyan once said, ‘You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.’” •