What to Do Wednesday: October 09, 2019

Local judge heads to Pennsylvania Avenue
October 9, 2019
Oktoberfest returns to Houma
October 9, 2019
Local judge heads to Pennsylvania Avenue
October 9, 2019
Oktoberfest returns to Houma
October 9, 2019

It’s time to start planning for the weekend! 


What to Do: It’s a HUGE festival weekend! Our picks are the Louisiana Gumbo Festival in Chackbay and the Voice of the Wetlands in Houma/Gray.  

Another unique option is Oktoberfest at Spigots in Houma, Friday – Sunday. The fest is welcoming a German band to entertain guests. 


Where to Go: Geaux Vote! Saturday, October 12 is election day! Please take a moment to vote for important matters on your local ballot. For more information, check out geauxvote.com.  


Where to Listen: If you’re still looking for late night music, we suggest checking out The Wetland Rambles at VOW festival. The magic of a jam session between musicians that have never performed together is undeniable. Local musicians and touring artists explore the Art of Music to create a unique and never replicated festival experience that has become a favorite for many.


Gumbo 2 Geaux Lagniappe

It’s Pumpkin Patch Time!

Check out our family-friendly calendar of events here


Mark Your Calendars for these Upcoming Events

PoV Pop-Up: Thibodaux Tailgate – 10/18

Bayou Dularge Knights of Columbus Fair – 10/18-20

Rougarou Festival – 10/26-27