Pamela Hidalgo Trahan
April 16, 2024
Registration for Summer 2024 and Fall 2024 Now Open at Fletcher Technical Community College
April 16, 2024BayouSTEM’s community-based FIRST Robotics Team, the Bayou Crusaders, recently participated in their first-ever FIRST Robotics Competition! The group of extraordinary students came together to construct, program, and compete with their robot in less than 3 months.
The team competed at the Bayou Regional FIRST Robotics Competition in Kenner. “Founded in 1989 by inventor Dean Kamen, FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) is a global nonprofit organization that prepares young people for the future through a suite of inclusive, team-based robotics programs for ages 4-18 (PreK-12),” reads the FIRST Robotics website.
The Bayou Crusaders are a community-based team housed at the LaSTEM Region 3 STEM Center (BayouSTEM) located on the Fletcher Technical Community College campus in Schriever. Community-based teams are unique because they are not part of a school district, specific school, or school programs. Team members come from both Lafourche and Terrebonne Parishes, representing both public, charter, and private schools, ranging in grade level from 8th-12th grade.
“As a coach it was fulfilling to watch them not only take good direction and instruction, but also to take ownership in problem solving. The team faced unique challenges that required unique solutions all the way into the 3-day competition. The teamwork and coordination were impeccable,” said Trevor Vicks, Lead Coach/Mentor. “While the drivers and technicians physically competed in the robot games, the rest of the team was studying to provide improvements in between matches. Similar to Nascar, our team had what’s called ‘the pit’ where the crew bootstrapped any and all robot concerns. Overall, it was a pleasure to our whole coaching/mentor staff to see the youth members operate as a team of young, gracious professionals in this high-level robotics competition.”
Some of the teammates reflected on their first competition, detailing some of the best parts of the event.
“This year was my first year competing. The best part about it was honestly being able to meet different teams from all over and learning about ways we can improve our robot,” said team member Iyauna V. “Not only was it informational but I was also able to have fun and create new bonds with my team members.” Team member Joshua C. said simply, “The best part was driving the robot!”
“Building the robot was a significant challenge that required everyone to utilize our technical skills and creativity to design and construct a functional and efficient robot,” said team member Dorian W. “Working collaboratively as a team and competing in the competition was my most enjoyed part.”
Keshawn W. continued, saying, “The best part [about] participating in robotics, was building the robot but it also was the most challenging because we had a lot of flaws and we worked together to make it work. It started off hard, but at the end at the competition, we figured out what we needed to do as a team. That was the best thing about it. Even though we didn’t win we still won.”
The Bayou Crusaders were sponsored by John Deere, who mentored the team, Fletcher Technical Community College, who provided a workshop and mentors for the team, Nicholls State University Department of Art, who “saved the day when the robot was too big,” and K&B Industries, who provided final weigh in metrics, and countless others supporters of the team.
“My scientist and teacher brain are both very satisfied to see the students learning from each other, from their successes and failures, and persevering under the pressure of competition,” said Christie Landry, Coach/Mentor for Bayou Crusaders, Director of BayouSTEM. “It is a very exciting opportunity, and I couldn’t be prouder of how far they have come as a team and as individuals this season.”
If you are interested in joining the Bayou Crusaders FIRST Robotics Competition Team, please contact team mentors through email (FRC9699@gmail.com), or call the BayouSTEM center at 985-448-7964.
Congratulations to the Bayou Crusaders for an excellent first competition!