Chaisson’s Daily Update includes rumor control, defines essential businesses

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In this morning’s Facebook update, Parish President Archie Chaisson reconfirmed the two new cases from yesterday, that brought the Lafourche parish total to 14.


The latest cases are from the northern area of Lafourche, Chaisson said. He has not yet received information if the two latest patients are at home quarantined or at a local hospital.


Chaisson shared that he has been receiving questions about what is considered an essential business. He directed businesses to for more information. Shipyards and the Port of Fourchon are considered essential and will remain open. Roadways are not restricted so you will be able to get to the Port for your next hitch.


Retail stores and clothing boutiques are not essential and must be closed. This does not mean you can adjust hours, offer curbside services or private shopping.


Garbage pick-up, USPS and UPS will still be open and running.


Chaisson also did a little bit of rumor control: “There are no helicopters coming to bombard Lafourche parish or the state with disinfectant. The sheer fact that I had to put that out and deem that as a false rumor is just a wee bit frustrating. We need to use some common sense in this.”


He urged people to get their information directly from government resources. “If you’re not getting it from us or the state or federal government, it’s probably just not true so quit putting it on Facebook. Help us control the rumors.”