Sandra Leonard Dardeau
January 13, 2012Christian Evangelical author urges us to take back faith
January 18, 2012National Wildlife Federation Coastal Louisiana Organizer Christopher Pulaski made a career shift with the New Year to become the new senior planner for Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government.
Having worked with the NWF for 2½ years, Pulaski said in a printed announcement of his resignation from that organization that he has witnessed both “excitement and sadness” due to natural and human impact on the coast of Louisiana.
“From the painful yet memorable days in Venice [following the April 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil release] to the 2011 spring flooding, I have experienced life changing events,” Pulaski said. “My knowledge of effective a group of dedicated people can be has been forever changed.”
A resident of Houma, Pulaski has a background in environmental planning and landscape architecture. He indicated that the career change allows him to take on a more personal investment in his community.
“Terrebonne Parish is one of the leaders in hazard mitigation in the state,” Pulaski said. “I look forward to being part of that effort.”
During his time with the NWF, Pulaski focused his attention on coastal restoration projects, including the use of water sediment from the Mississippi River to build land, such as the Myrtle Grove Sediment Diversion into the Barataria Basin.
Pulaski has worked with public agencies to raise awareness of risk management and ensure storm resilience to restore sustainable coastal areas.
“Chris Pulaski’s landscape architecture background and his years of working with the Wildlife Federation will being a new dimension and outlook into parish government,” Terrebonne Parish President Michel Claudet said. “We already have projects that he can greatly assist us with including the skateboard park, bulb outs in the downtown area, a and a potential fishing pier in the city of Houma.”
Pulaski will work closely with the planning commission and board of adjustments with an assignment to produce a comprehensive parish master plan.