Bottled Water and MREs to be distributed in Thibodaux
August 31, 2021
Burn Ban in Lafourche effective immediately
August 31, 2021From the Town of Grand Isle:
Today, Mayor, town council, parish officials, street
department, and chief of police met to discuss a plan
of action. As of now, the highway is covered with
sand, hazardous debris, electrical poles and it’s not
safe to travel. National Guard is currently on the
ground working to get the roads cleared. This will
take some time as the levels of sand and debris is
proving to be a big tasks to clear. Fema is on the
island assessing the damages and working to get
As of now, no one will be allowed to enter on the
island. We have no running water, gas, or electricity.
We are asking for your patience while we try to get
the island SAFE for passage.
Tomorrow, we will update you with more information regarding our plan of action moving forward.