Houma native returns to lead St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church

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St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church is pleased to announce the Rev. Jim Morrison has accepted the call to serve as rector/priest.


Rev. Morrison, a Houma native with longstanding ties to the community, has been rector at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in New Orleans for eight years. Following an 18-plus-month search, St. Matthew’s vestry (leadership) extended an offer to the Rev. Morrison in December 2022.


The Rev. Morrison will lead his first service at St. Matthew’s Episcopal at 10 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 12, 2023. Children are welcome to worship with their parents or take part in Sunday School during the service. A celebration will follow in the church’s Parish Hall.


“We are so fortunate to have someone of Jim’s energy, enthusiasm, and experience come to Houma to be our pastor,” said Rob Alexander, St. Matthew’s senior warden. “Jim grew up in Houma  and told me that ‘Houma is in my DNA.’ What a blessing to have someone so connected to our community and loving our community to come back to lead our church.”


“I have not been this excited about the ‘Krewe of Hyacinthians Sunday’ since my early years on High Street! Feb. 12 can’t get here soon enough,” said the Rev. Morrison. “We will celebrate our new beginning at the 10 a.m. Eucharist, share a meal afterwards in the Parish Hall, and continue to rejoice at the Sunday Parade! I’m eager to befriend the long-standing community of St. Matthew’s and to welcome old and new friends from throughout Terrebonne Parish.”


The church, at 243 Barrow St., features off-street parking. More information about the church can be found at www.stmatthewshouma.org or on its Facebook page.