ULL system exec urges students to job hunt early
July 30, 2013
Women in Business: Lori Davis
July 30, 2013Jennifer Armand is a human hat rack.
“We moved here 16 years ago this month, and that following January, I joined Leadership Terrebonne,” Armand said. “I wanted to feel more at home here and learn more about Houma and Terrebonne Parish. Jan Gravel was the Leadership Terrebonne facilitator when I moved here in 1997, and she encouraged me to get involved in the community.
“I really enjoyed the people I met in Leadership Terrebonne and learning about them and the community,” Armand said. “I had never lived in a coastal community before, and I wanted to learn all I could and really be part of the community.”
In the nearly two decades since then, Armand has certainly become more than a part of the community. She has worn many hats in Terrebonne Parish, all while running and co-owning Armand Creative with her husband Matthew. In addition to managing the full-service advertising and public relations company, Armand is also the chairman of the board for the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce, executive director of the Bayou Industrial Group and coordinator for the Bayou Community Foundation.
“I am pleased that the people at BIG and the Bayou Community Foundation have trusted me to coordinate their organizations,” Armand said. “This not only helps me survive as a business person but also helps increase Armand Creative’s exposure in the community and the growth of the business.”
Armand has been with BIG for nine years and has been the Bayou Community Foundation’s coordinator since the organization was formed last spring. The foundation works to advance human services, education, coastal restoration and workforce development in both Terrebonne and Lafourche parishes.
“It was very exciting to get involved with the Bayou Community Foundation on the ground floor,” she said. “I hope to continue working with them and serve more people. Alexis Duval, a woman business owner and past Chamber of Commerce Chairman, is the chair of the Bayou Community Foundation.
“BIG has grown tremendously, too. The lunches and programs have grown because of volunteer efforts.”
Armand has also seen the growth of the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce, especially the number of women joining the organization and becoming business owners.
“It’s very exciting. I am pleased to see women take opportunities and run with them,” Armand said.
“With the chamber, the more involved you are, the more you can promote your business and make contacts.”
Networking through all the organizations has certainly paid off for Armand, and Armand Creative has clients as far away as Micronesia, stateside in Texas and Georgia and many right here in the Tri-parish area.
“From a business perspective, Armand Creative continues to grow and offer excellent and personal service and great work,” Armand said. “By being involved in the community, I meet a lot of business owners and get to grow my clientele. I am able to find out what is going on in the community.”
Armand suggested that those wanting to get involved in the community and meet friends and clients should join an organization, non-profit, church or other civic group.
“Groups get you invested in the community, and your involvement helps make the community a better place,” Armand said. “You get a sense of ownership in the place you call home. Find something that interests you. There are so many great organizations to get involved in. Get out there and offer to help and see where that takes you. You will be surprised at the joy you are able to bring to others and yourself.
“The greatest benefit is getting to know not just the people and the community better, but getting to know the issues that drive the community. There are wonderful opportunities here to grow.”