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October 14, 2021
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October 14, 2021Lafourche Parish Sheriff Craig Webre and Lafourche Parish President Archie Chaisson are reminding residents about proper debris and trash pickup and disposal and issuing a warning about illegal dumping of trash and storm debris. In the aftermath of Hurricane Ida, deputies have recently responded to calls of illegal dumping in areas such as East 40th Street in Cut Off and Brule Guillot Road in Thibodaux, as well as some individual residences throughout the parish.
“We understand these are unprecedented and trying times for our residents,” said Sheriff Webre. “Everyone seems to be dealing with their own issues right now. When you illegally dump on someone else’s property, you are making your problem someone else’s. We cannot allow this to occur. In order to get through this recovery, we are going to have to do it together as a community.”
In lieu of illegally dumping, Parish President Chaisson says residents can continue to place storm debris at the curbside, away from fire hydrants, low-hanging wires, and water meters, and keep drainage ditches clear. For detailed information on how to separate and handle storm debris, go to LafourcheGov.org/Emergency-
“We have parish and state contractors picking up all residential debris throughout the parish,” said Chaisson. “They will continue picking up trash for the next several weeks. Even if they have passed by your property already, they will be coming again. There is really no need to haul any debris away at this time.”
Household Garbage pickup is back to twice per week collection in most areas of Lafourche Parish. Only household garbage placed in a Parish issued can (or similar store-bought can) will be picked up. Do not put storm debris in the garbage cans. If you lost your parish-issued garbage can due to Hurricane Ida, you may use a store-bought can that is similar (60-95 gallons, square and sturdy), and the contractor will attempt to service it. Residents can also call (985) 282-4273 to be placed on a list for a new or replacement garbage can.
Those residents who choose to illegally dump trash and debris on public or private property could face criminal charges. Among those charges are Gross Littering (R.S. 30:2531.1) and Criminal Trespassing (R.S. 14:63).
Those charged with Gross Littering would face a fine of up to $1,000 for a first offense and eight hours of litter abatement community service. For third and subsequent offenses, there is a fine of up to $5,000, up to 30 days in jail, up to 100 hours of community service, and driver’s license suspension for one year.
Those caught in violation of the Criminal Trespassing statute would face a fine of up to $500 and up to 30 days in jail for a first offense or, for third and subsequent offenses, a fine up to $1,000 and up to six months in jail.