Speed humps, ‘No Wake Zone’ and other ordinances approved during Terrebonne Parish Council meeting

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The following ordinances were voted on by the Terrebonne Parish Council meeting on Wednesday, September 23. All were unanimously approved to be adopted. 



  • An ordinance to amend the Parish Code, Chapter 22, Article IX. Boats and Waterways, Division I. Generally, Section 22-227 to establish a “No Wake Zone” from the Theriot-Voisin Bridge extending North to St. Eloi Bridge and to authorize the installation of said signs.


  • An ordinance to enact Section 2-82 of the Terrebonne Parish Code to establish a new Parish Department of Solid, Hazardous, and Recycling Waste for the purposes of Restructuring the Solid Waste Division; to amend Sections 2-76, 11-21, and 11-34 of the Terrebonne Parish Code of Ordinances to provide for the creation and restructure of the same and to provide for related matters.



  • An ordinance to amend certain portions of Chapter 2, Article XVII, Section 2-533 of the Terrebonne Parish Code of Ordinances to decrease the Terrebonne Parish Tree Board from nine members to seven to address difficulties in reaching a meeting quorum.


  • An ordinance to amend the GAP Financing Loan Agreement between Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government and Bayou Cane Apartments, LP.


  • An ordinance to amend the 2020 Adopted Operating Budget of the Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government for the following items, to provide for related matters:
  1. CARESAct,$188,250
  2. Bayou Country Sports Park, $250,000

    3. CARES Act-Emergency Food & Shelter, $26,969

4. CARES Act-Housing & Urban Development, $60,823

5. CARES Act-Head Start, $149,397

  • An ordinance declaring a 1995 International 4700 (Unit 402) from the Terrebonne Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness having a value of $6,000 as surplus, authorizing said item to be disposed of by any legally approved methods.


  • An ordinance to authorize the acquisition of sites and/or servitudes required for the Elliot Jones Pump Station Project; authorize the parish president to execute any and all documents necessary to acquire sites and/or servitudes for the said purposes; to authorize the parish legal staff to commence expropriation proceedings in the event the sites and/or servitudes cannot be obtained conventionally; to declare that the taking, if required, is necessary or useful for the benefit of the public; and to provide for other matters relative thereto.


  • An ordinance authorizing the issuance of not exceeding $40,000,000 public improvement bonds, in one or more series, of the parish of Terrebonne, State of Louisiana; prescribing the form, terms and conditions of such bonds; providing for the refunding of certain outstanding bonds; and providing for other matters in connection therewith.