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December 2, 2022Cassidy, Colleagues Demand Transparency from Biden Administration on Organizations Involved in New Education Council
December 2, 2022On Tuesday, December 6, the Terrebonne Parish School District will have a big decision to make when it comes to a plan for the replacement of Grand Caillou Elementary School.
Hurricane Ida wreaked havoc on Grand Caillou Elementary. After a discussion at the last committee meeting, the board will decide at next week’s meeting. At the last committee meeting, Superintendent Bubba Orgeron addressed the Committee on the consideration of approval of a plan for the replacement of Grand Caillou Elementary School with three options. Orgeron reminded the audience that the plans will have to be looked at from the perspective of a bigger picture and for the district as a whole in the future. The following are the options that are possible:
- Option 1
Grand Caillou Elementary School remains at the Elysian Fields site.
- Option 2
Grand Caillou Middle merges with Oaklawn to make “Ellender Middle.” Grand Caillou Elementary will occupy the Grand Caillou Middle building. “Ellender Middle” would have around 850 children, according to Orgeron.
- Option 3a
Rebuild Grand Caillou Elementary on its original site.
- Option 3b
Rebuild Grand Caillou Elementary on the Grand Caillou Middle Site.
There were public comments from various people concerning the matter. First was Mr. John Campbell, Principal of Grand Caillou Middle School, who addressed the Committee in favor of the second option. Although students are from different areas, Campbell said he believes in looking at the bigger picture and the second option would be a good way to “bridge the gap.” Gregory Harding (District 2) motioned to look at option two and Dane Voisin (District 9) seconded the motion. Roger DeHart (District 7) objected, however, the discussion continued at that point.
Other members of the public addressed the committee about the matter including Ms. Judy Gaspard, Mr. Avery Carrere, Mr. Abraham Parfait, Ms. Brynn Sapia, Mrs. Candace Chauvin, and Mr. Janzen Verdin. The majority of the citizens’ comments were in agreement that the best option was to keep the children where they belong, in their respective areas, and demolish and rebuild the school on the site that it currently is (option 3a). Following a lengthy discussion, DeHart, seconded by Voisin, offered the following substitute motion:
The Committee recommends that all options presented by Superintendent Orgeron regarding the replacement of Grand Caillou Elementary School, due to Hurricane Ida, be considered and voted upon at the Board meeting on December 6, 2022.”
The vote will not be the only item on the agenda. The Board will be recognizing students of the Talented Program Christmas Artwork winners, Madison Brunet, Brooklyn Neal, Lauren Jaubert, and Destiny Gorney. There will also be a discussion on a revised budget for the 2022/2023 fiscal year. Click here to download the full agenda and stay tuned for Tuesday’s meeting.