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February 28, 2024
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February 29, 2024On Wednesday, February 27, 2024, the Terrebonne Parish Council proclaimed March as Problem Gambling Awareness Month, to encourage all citizens to spread awareness that there is treatment available for those suffering in our parish.
The proclamation, as read by Councilman Clyde Hamner: “Whereas, problem gambling is a public health concern affecting millions of Americans of all ages, races, and ethnic backgrounds in all communities causing a significant societal and economic cost; and whereas, promoting awareness provides individuals in the problem gambling community an opportunity to educate the public and policymakers about the social and financial effectiveness of services availavle for problem gambling; and,
“Whereas, problem gambling is treatable and treatment is effective in minimizing the harm to both individuals and society as a whole; and whereas, the state offers a myriads of services aimed at treating problem gambling, including: educational prevention programs, residential treatment, outpatient counseling and aftercare programs throughout the state, a toll-free Louisiana Problem Gamblers Helpline 1-877-770-STOP that answers calls from people seeking help with gambling problems, and a website aimed at prevention of problem gambling, www.helpforgambling.org; and,
“Whereas, Louisiana was one of the first states to have numerous state funded programs such as the residential treatment facility Center of Recovery-CORE in Shreveport; and whereas, numerous organizations, such as the Louisiana Association on Compulsive Gambling, the Louisiana Lottery, the Louisiana Casino Association, the Louisiana Gaming Industry, the Office of the Attorney General, the State Police Gaming Division, and the Gaming Control Board all work together with the Louisiana Department of Health and all statewide Districts to address problem gambling; and,
“Whereas, numerous individuals, professionals, and organizations have dedicated their efforts to the education of the public about problem gambling, prevention of problem gambling, and availability and effectiveness of treatment services.
“Now, therefore be it resolved by the Terrebonne Parish Council, on behalf of the Parish President and the entire Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government, that the month of March 2024 be hereby proclaimed as Problem Gambling Awareness Month, and that all citizens be encouraged to help spread the message that there is help for problem gamblers through treatment and to support those who are in treatment and recovery and their families.”
The proclamation was received by Ms. Janet Price, Marketing Director for South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority. “Louisiana is top of the list for most addicted gamblers in the country, and we are seeing an increase due to sports betting and even among children,” explained Price. “We are proud of the programs we have, and their success rates. One of the things we are most proud of is our resource guide on our website, that explains programs across the parishes and services where someone can get help. It includes not just our services but also food banks, and needs like that. I encourage everyone to use that, and thank you so much for proclaiming march as Problem Gambling Month.”