University of Holy Cross and Fletcher Sign New Credit Transfer Agreements for Business and Nursing

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Professional friendship between two heads of higher academia forge connection between colleges.

Fletcher Technical Community College and the University of Holy Cross (UHC) formed a partnership, on January 30, to guarantee credit transfers for aspiring students within two programs: business and nursing. Fletcher Chancellor Dr. Kristine Strickland and UHC President Dr. Stanton F. McNeely III said this is in part because of professional friendship.

“It ensures for students who want to go onto pursue a Bachelor’s degree that all of their credits are going to be accepted,” said Dr. Strickland. The groundwork was laid for this agreement in July when McNeely became president of Holy Cross, “It’s one of the first calls I made,” said Strickland.

The two have worked at both institutions at one time or another, but it was also about the quality of both school’s programs.

The “articulation agreement” will allow students who complete the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in Business Administration to transfer credit hours earned in various concentrations within that degree and apply them towards the completion of a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration or Accounting at UHC.


In addition, a 2+2 program will allow Fletcher students in the Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) program to complete the first two years of study at Fletcher and transfer all credit hours to UHC for completion of the Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN). Students transferring to UHC may complete the last two years of their course work at UHC.


Strickland and McNeely agreed that if a student found themselves, for one reason or another, starting at the Holy Cross and needing to transfer to Fletcher to complete their Associate’s Degree, the student’s credits could be transferred.

“It’s all about the smooth access and pathway for the student and their journey,” said McNeely. “And so just as the Chancellor was saying – If a student wants to go from Holy Cross to Fletcher they can do that and vice versa.”

The two schools plan a similar program for degrees in General Studies, but no date is set for its implementation yet.

According to Strickland, Fletcher just received accreditation from the Accreditation Council of Business Schools and Programs. The nursing program was just placed top 10 in Registered’s list.

McNeely said students at Holy Cross have a 100% pass rate on their first attempt forp the NCLEX (National Council Licensure Examination), which is a test required to be a registered nurse. Their Business program is accredited through IACBE or the International Accreditation Council for Business Education, and the Nursing program is accredited through the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).