Saadi: Who really killed Jesus?

November Exhibits
October 31, 2013
Imagination guides Louisiana Renaissance Festival
October 31, 2013
November Exhibits
October 31, 2013
Imagination guides Louisiana Renaissance Festival
October 31, 2013


By Reza Aslan

Random House $27



By Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard

Henry Holt $28

Here are two fascinating looks at Jesus – the man, not as God or the messiah – in the religious and political context of his time: Zealot, written by Aslan, a Muslim and noted biblical scholar; and Killing Jesus by O’Reilly, a Roman Catholic and author of Killing Lincoln and Killing Kennedy. Both attempt to clarify or correct errors, omissions and contradictions in the Bible. Since they find few references to Jesus in non-biblical sources, they rely on familiar ancient writers, notably the Jewish historian Flavius, who mentions Jesus in a passing remark. The writers themselves don’t always agree; Aslan argues that Jesus was crucified and executed by Rome for the crime of sedition while O’Reilly points to Pilate’s concession to the demands of the High Priest. “Killing Jesus,” although billed as “a history,” reads like a novel and might be more popular, while “Zealot,” benefiting from Aslan’s 20 years of historical study, may be more daunting. Either or both will have you running for your Bible.


By Marisha Pessl

Random House $28

Scott McGrath is an investigative reporter fired for writing a searing threat to filmmaker Stanislas Cordova, a maker of movies so horrendous they can only be shown underground. When Scott learns Cordova’s 24-year old daughter is found dead at the bottom of an elevator shaft, he wants to know if it was suicide or murder, and he intends to find out. This is a cleverly crafted novel filled with graphic photos, drawings and simulated computer screens. Fast paced and graphically illustrated, it’s an exhilarating read.


By Stephen King

Scribner $30

Remember Danny, the little kid who escaped the Outlook Hotel in The Shining? He’s back in King’s exciting, and frightening, sequel. Dan is now middle aged, struggling with alcoholism and visits from that horrid lady in the bathtub. He finally finds a home working at a hospice in New Hampshire, where his “shining” power helps dying patients sleep on their way from here to hereafter. Then he connects with Abra, a young girl whose “shining” abilities attract a tribe of semi-humans who travel in RV caravans searching for children who shine. Reading this in bed may keep you awake.

Five Days at Memorial

By Sheri Fink

Crown $27

After Hurricane Katrina caused massive flooding, loss of power, incredible heat and lack of medications, doctors and nurses at Memorial Hospital in New Orleans were faced with a terrible dilemma: Deciding whether to let terminal patients suffer with no relief or mercifully hasten their deaths. They opted for the latter, administering morphine and Versad, ending the lives of 20 patients. What would you have done? Pulitzer Prize author Sherri Fink spent six and a half years researching those five days and puts that question to you. Eventually it was left to a jury to decide culpability.




By Mary Ann Sternberg

Sternberg takes us on a historic drive along the River Road between New Orleans and Baton Rouge, passing the Hansen’s Disease Center Museum, Our Lady of Lourdes grotto and other interesting sites, present and historic. Both LSU Press.


“Killing Jesus”

“Night Film”

“Doctor Sleep”

“Five Days at Memorial”

“River Road Rambler”

“Along the River Road”