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June 4, 2021The Nicholls Track & Field/Cross Country program announced the 4th Annual Colonel 5k will be an in-person event held on Saturday, June 26th at 7 a.m. across a course spanning the Nicholls State University campus.
All runners will have the opportunity to participate virtually during a week-long period (6/19 to 6/26) by completing a 5k from anywhere.
The Colonel 5k course and event was created for all levels of runners and walkers to reach a new personal best. The course was designed by Nicholls Track & Field and Cross Country to take the community on a tour of campus and the recreation path where the the team consistently posts their fastest intervals.
Prize packages will be awarded to top Male & Female overall finishers as well as top Male & Female masters finishers. Male and Female age group winners will also be recognized.
Race day registration is available for $30, however race t-shirts are not guaranteed. Early registration will begin immediately for $25 (w/ a t-shirt) and run through Friday, June 14th. All proceeds raised benefit Nicholls Track & Field and Cross Country.
Additional information can be found HERE | REGISTER