Johnson Retiring from VCHS Athletic Director position

Nicholls to host LSU in mid-week game
February 19, 2020
Floyd Ruffin
February 19, 2020
Nicholls to host LSU in mid-week game
February 19, 2020
Floyd Ruffin
February 19, 2020

Margaret Johnson will be retiring from her position as Vandebilt Catholic High School (VCHS) Athletic Director at the end of the 2019-2020 school year, VCHS announced this morning. 

“The Vandebilt Catholic community is blessed to have worked alongside Margaret Johnson for over thirty years, and she epitomizes the qualities that a Catholic educational institution strives to instill in its students,” reads a statement by VCHS. “The faculty and students want to thank Coach Johnson for her dedication and support of Vandebilt Catholic throughout the years and wish her nothing but the best in her next chapter.”

Johnson, a 1983 graduate of VCHS, joined the school’s faculty in 1989. Throughout her years there, she has served as head volleyball and softball coach, Physical Education Department chairperson, assistant athletic director, classroom teacher and athletic director. 

She has garnered several recognitions throughout her career there as well: named Coach of the Year numerous times on the district, regional, and state levels; coached two Louisiana high school all-star teams; inducted into the Louisiana Softball Coaches Association’s Hall of Fame in 2004; the first woman inducted into Bayou Region Hall of Fame; and joined the Nation High School Athletic Coaches’ Association’s (NHSACA) National Hall of Fame, among other honors. 

If she hadn’t received the awards, the success of the many teams she coached over the years would speak for itself. 

Margaret led her softball teams to the state tournament 20 times, which resulted in seven state championships and six state runner-up titles.

“I want to thank Vandebilt Catholic for allowing me the privilege to mentor and coach the most amazing young women I’ve ever met,” said Johnson after her NHSACA recognition. “This honor is dedicated to all of my inspiring athletes, their amazing parents, my dedicated assistant coaches, my unconditionally loving family, and most of all, our loving God, for carrying me through all of my most trying times in life. Each of these individuals has helped shape me into the person I am today. I am grateful for my journey thus far.”


Beginning with the 2020-2021 school year, Lance Ledet, current assistant athletic director and head football coach, will take on the role of athletic director. 


This softball season, Johnson will join her husband and softball head coach Ricky Johnson, as she will take an assistant coaching position. 


She said she is excited to be back on the field coaching young athletes.