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February 28, 2024
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February 28, 2024Congratulations to local Terrebonne and Lafourche Parish students who recently placed at the LSU Ag Center State Livestock Show!
“For more than 70 years, we have hosted our state livestock show, which serves as a showcase for Louisiana’s vibrant livestock industry, as well as the adults and young people involved in it,” reads a statement from LSU Ag Center. “We also have been involved with countless other livestock events throughout our history, and we know our involvement in the development of both the state’s livestock industry and the state’s future leaders will continue.”
The Terrebonne and Lafourche Parish winners from each category of the show are as follows:
- LSU State Goat Breeding Show
- Marisa Nacio, Terrebonne Parish: Goat Premier Exhibitor, 3rd Place
- Carsyn Ayo, Lafourche Parish: Supreme Breeding Meat Goat Buck, Grand Reserve Champion Purebred Boer Buck, Reserve Champion Purebred Boer Buck, Grand Champion La. Bred Purebred Boer Buck, Grand Champion Purebred Boer Doe, Reserve Champion La. Bred Purebred Boer Doe, Reserve Champion Percentage Boer Buck
- McKayla Dempster, Lafourche Parish: Reserve Champion Pygmy Doe, Reserve Champion La. Bred Pygmy Doe
- Morgan Legendre, Lafourche Parish: Reserve Champion Nubian Buck
- LSU State Market Lamb Show
- Jarrett Allemand, Terrebonne Parish: Reserve Champion Black Face AOB and Crosses Lamb-Light
- LSU State Sheep Breeding Show
- Jaxon Arnold, Lafourche Parish: Grand Champion Hampshire Ewe
- Jarrett Allemand, Terrebonne Parish: Grand Champion Southdown Ewe
- LSU State Breeding Swine Show
- Blakely Martin, Lafourche Parish: Grand Champion Yorkshire Hog, Grand Champion Yorkshire Gilt
- Kyla Danos, Lafourche Parish: Grand Champion Duroc Gilt, Grand Champion La. Bred Duroc Gilt
- Wyatt Bascle, Terrebonne Parish: Reserve Champion La. Bred Yorkshire Gilt
- LSU State Beef Breeding Show
- Eleanor Straney, Lafourche Parish: Reserve Champion Angus Female, Grand Champion La. Bred Angus Female. Eleanor is also the 2023 Louisiana Junior Angus Princess.
- LSU State Poultry Show
- Patton Legendre, Lafourche Parish: Grand Champion English, Orpington Black, Pullet