DANOS loving its DIGS
April 22, 2015When seconds count
April 22, 2015Terrebonne Parish officials say they are investigating a call made to a local resident from someone claiming to be from a law firm acting on behalf of the District Attorney, falsely stating that the person was the subject of an arrest warrant.
“We don’t ever contact people on the phone and tell then we have warrants for their arrest,” said Terrebonne Parish First Assistant District Attorney Carlos Lazarus.
A recording of a telephone answering machine message left for the woman whose number was called contains a male face stating “This is Kyle Brant of the Clark law firm acting under the orders of Terrebonne Parish District Attorney to obtain a pre-trial statement.”
“This is regarding the arrest warrant that was requested to have her picked up today on two felony fraud charges,” the message says. “She has failed to reply or respond to a mandatory ten day court notice and it is imperative that she contact us immediately.”
The number given for contact is 559-475-6835.
That area code, according to telephone databases, does not exist in regard to any specific community. Such non-area codes are sometimes employed by telemarketers.
The number is listed in several consumer protection Web sites; postings from complainants suggest that they were targeted by similar callers identifying themselves as calling on orders of district attorneys in the recipients’ local areas.
Anyone contacted should call TPSO at 876-2500.