The 12 Days of Christmas … Thibodaux High style

Tuesday, Nov. 30
November 30, 2010
HPD reaches out to area’s needy with food boxes
December 2, 2010
Tuesday, Nov. 30
November 30, 2010
HPD reaches out to area’s needy with food boxes
December 2, 2010

Sure, the traditional carol “Twelve Days of Christmas” dates back to the 1700s. But today, in the final days of 2010, how likely are you to encounter leaping lords? Or calling birds? And what about those milking maids?

With the help of several Thibodaux High School students, the Gumbo Entertainment Guide set out to get a feel for what today’s teens would like to find under their trees Christmas morn.

Now, if you need a little brushing up on the original “Twelve Days” gift list and the thought behind it, our teens can set you straight, sort of:

What is a Partridge in a Pear Tree?

A tiny bird that is sitting in a pear tree. n Kaitlyn Hughley, 16

What are turtledoves, and how do they feel about each other?

Turtledoves are kissing birds that are really attached to each other. n N’Dia Duplantis, 17

What makes a hen French?

The hen is French because it was bred in south Louisiana. n Patrika Cassie, 16

What kind of phone service do calling birds have?

The 4G network with AT&T. n Jamie Jefferson, 17

Who would you give five golden rings to?

My little sister and brother, then I would pawn the other three for cash. n Alexis Canizaro, 16

How long will it take the geese’s eggs to hatch?

It will probably take somewhere around five weeks. n Brooklyn Davis, 16

Who would win a swimming race, you or the swans?

Me, of course. They can’t swim faster than I can. n Vanessa Rodriguez, 16

Will the milking maids sell the milk or use it for personal use?

They will sell it to the Brown’s Dairy Company. n Sherry Hebert, 16

What are the nine ladies dancing to?

“The Cupid Shuffle.” n Sheridan Cortez, 17

Why are the 10 lords leaping?

They are probably running away from their wives. n Brandon Galmon, 16

Do you have to be Scottish to play a bagpipe instrument?

No, you just have to know how to play one. n Josh Bourgeois, 16

Who is better, the 12 drummers in the carol or your school’s drum line?

The Marching Tigers, of course. We have a good band. n Cody Chiasson, 16

And now, we give you “A Teen’s 12 Days of Christmas.”

On the first day of Christmas, what gift would you want to receive?

A Bugatti parked under a cypress tree. n Michael Milstead, 16

On the second day?

Two Diamond studs. n Chelise Brown, 15

On the third day?

Three best friends. n Jenna Graham, 17

On the fourth day?

Four friend requests. n Jessie Brannahan, 17

On the fifth day?

Five Super Bowl rings. n Riolajay Woods, 16

On the sixth day?

Six No Exit gigs (they’re a local band, mom and dad). n Sarah Neal, 16

On the seventh day?

Seven Saints tickets. n Inquaite Walker, 16

On the eighth day?

Eight gift cards. n Emily Lagarde, 17

On the ninth day?

Nine digital cameras. n Jarvelle Edmond, 16

On the 10th day?

Ten Old Navy sweaters. n Kelsey Naquin, 16

On the 11th day?

Eleven students driving. n Natalie Daigle, 16

On the 12th day of Christmas, what gift would you want to receive?

$12 million. n Seth Chamberlain, 17