Guest columnists

October 1, 2013

The Obnoxious Sweater

Every family has one. Perhaps, for you, it is the aunt that knitted you the Christmas sweater with a goofy-looking reindeer on it; she asks you […]
October 9, 2013

La. at odds with federal benefits rules

Federal regulations are loosening to offer more benefits to same-sex married couples around the nation, but not so in Louisiana, where Gov. Bobby Jindal’s administration is […]
October 9, 2013

Cornerstone of democracy

We’ve been calling it the end of an era for a long time now. It’s supposed to be the end of newspapers, according to naysayers who […]
October 9, 2013

Let’s focus on what matters

Sometimes I think we miss the forest for the trees…or the trees for the forest…or both at the same time. We can all fall into this […]