Guest columnists

November 26, 2014

‘Big Oil’ suit survives, so far

Facing opposition from a powerful industry, the governor and many in the Legislature, a New Orleans-area flood board’s lawsuit against dozens of oil, gas and pipeline […]
November 26, 2014

Strong Lobbyists

Because of its power to influence public affairs, the press has long been known as “the Fourth Estate.” But I think the media may have been […]
December 2, 2014

Jindal patchwork

Gov. Bobby Jindal’s administration seems to have scraped together enough money from the state’s couch cushions to rebalance this year’s $25 billion budget without deep, damaging […]
December 2, 2014

More government waste

As if we needed another example of government waste, a New Orleans nonprofit appears to be the poster child for what can go wrong when an […]