Guest columnists

September 12, 2018

Storms hold mixed messages

Nearly two weeks have passed since we as a community were presented the threat of a storm named Gordon. As I watched the updates on the […]
September 19, 2018

DeSantis: Open discussions are needed

It has become fashionable over the past few years to bash the press, often for bringing attention to issues that are or should be of concern […]
September 26, 2018

DeSantis: Louisiana influence is real

For two weeks now, I have tooled around the Irish countryside, in an area called the Midlands, searching for traces of the great-great-great-grandfather I only recently […]
October 3, 2018

There’s no place like home

It takes an extended stay far from home sometimes, to help you appreciate it better. That is certainly the case, as I close the curtain on […]